Scotland’s strengths in health data research, informatics and drug discovery have the potential to herald a new era of data-driven innovation that could deliver savings of £70bn over the next 50 years.

If harnessed, the potential for greater collaboration in Scotland between clinical medicine and data science, both in terms of research and commercial activities, could plug what has been described in government-commissioned research as a ‘major missed opportunity for the UK’.

Join us at Digital Health & Care 2020 to explore the socio-economic opportunities arising from the so-called ‘triple helix’ model in the emerging field of precision medicine, which relies on greater than ever strategic cooperation between industry, academia and the NHS.

The conference will showcase the potential for key clusters in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee to work together on an exciting feedback loop, rich in data, which in future will see medicine shift away from trial and error prescribing to more proactive interventions, reducing hospital admissions and saving lives.

This annual event, now in its third year, will also track progress in Scotland’s national digital health and care strategy, focusing on improvements to the user experience of healthcare through projects such as the NHS’s National Digital Platform and how 5G networks look set to transform social care.

Key themes:

  • Top-level leadership driving Scotland's precision medicine industry;
  • Using data to drive insights and improvements in patient care;
  • The National Digital Platform: its scope, ambition and 'proof of concept' near-term deliverables;
  • The AI question: striking the balance between the human clinician and machines;
  • Social care and the next generation of sensor-based home assist technologies.

Join the conversation online: #HSCSCOT